Let’s Make Health Care More Affordable by Lowering Prices
The Alliance for Fair Health Pricing is a non-partisan coalition representing patients, consumers, businesses, purchasers and health care providers who are working together to make high-quality health care more affordable for consumers and employers.

NEW ANALYSIS: The Price Isn't Right - Policy Options to Strengthen Health Care Price Transparency
A major obstacle to affordable health care is the lack of health care price transparency. We should know what we’re required to pay for health care services upfront, but are often left in the dark about the cost until after care is provided and the bill arrives. This report highlights the benefits of price transparency for patients, consumers, employers, and policymakers and provides recommendations to strengthen price transparency and lower health care costs.
The mission of the Alliance for Fair Health Pricing is to create a more accessible, affordable, equitable and sustainable health care system for all Americans. Our aim is to educate concerned citizens and decision makers about how health care prices are set and to lay out paths toward common-sense solutions to lower prices.